- More flexible booking options
Booking your domestic boiler service to be completed in the summer is a time when we can be most flexible with our servicing schedule. This means a shorter waiting time for our clients, and they can choose from more available time slots. For Sureway Heating Services, the busiest time comes around in the Autumn when everyone turns their boilers on. If we service your boiler outside of our peak season and a fault is found, a remedial visit can be arranged much quicker with less disruption to you, as your heating won’t be on.
- Ensuring that your boiler is ready for the colder months
At the first sign of a chill, boilers across the country are turned on for the first time in months and many may not work. Having your boiler serviced in the summer months will give you peace of mind that your boiler will operate efficiently throughout the colder months. If an issue is picked up during the service it can be rectified before your boiler becomes essential to heating your home.
- Issues found and resolved in good time
When boilers are switched off for a longer period of time there is the risk that the internal workings could seize up through lack of use. When the boiler is required again, a fault may have developed during this off period, and a homeowner finds themselves without heating/hot water when they really need it. By having a boiler service in the summer, the boiler is turned on for a short time, which will reduce the chance of a fault developing when you need the boiler most.
- Quicker to source essential boiler spares
It’s much easier and quicker to source parts and repair boilers during the summer because the industry isn’t as busy. It can be a real headache in the middle of winter, especially over the festive period, when some manufacturers and suppliers shut down. A boiler service may identify a fault that requires the boiler to be shut off and this is not what you want, as it leaves your home without heating/hot water for an extended period of time.
A proactive approach is the best way to ensure that you get the very best out of your heating equipment in the most cost and energy efficient manner. To arrange your summer boiler service, give Sureway Heating Services a call on 01926 310900.